The Science Behind EMS: How Electrical Muscle Stimulation Works - Kick it body fitness EMS

The Science Behind EMS: How Electrical Muscle Stimulation Works

How EMS Works

Electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) is a unique and powerful method in a world full of fitness and wellness advances. EMS is a method that is worth it whether you’re an athlete hoping to improve performance or a layperson trying to tone muscles. 

What is the science behind EMS?

Electrical muscle stimulation, (EMS) is a type of exercise that uses electricity to cause muscular contractions. Recently, this method has been utilized for general fitness and conditioning, but it has been widely used for decades in various fields of physical therapy and sports science.

EMS causes muscle contractions without requiring conscious thought by directly activating the motor neurons, hence avoiding the brain’s displaying channels. 


Electric muscle stimulation training utilises the body’s nervous system and activates muscle tissue through electric currents. These low or mid-frequency impulses are completely harmless when applied properly. The goal is to bring the muscle to a state of total contraction. 

During an EMS session, you’ll wear a suit that has numerous electrodes. These electrodes come in a vest, a belt, and two sets of straps, depending on the targeted muscle group. Each muscle group is represented as a transmission channel on the control unit, allowing for individual intensities in the legs, glutes, lower back, lats, upper back, abdominals, pecs, and arms. The electric impulses are transmitted via a cable that connects to the vest and distributes each channel to the respective muscles.

These electrodes send low-frequency electrical impulses to your muscles, prompting them to contract, much like during a normal workout. The difference is that EMS can target more muscles simultaneously—about 90% of your body’s musculature can be engaged at once, as compared to around 40% during standard gym workouts.

The benefits of EMS extend beyond muscle strength

Here are some key advantages:

Efficiency: EMS increases workout effectiveness by allowing you to stimulate many muscle groups at once, saving you time.

Rehabilitation: After an injury or surgery, EMS is frequently utilised in rehabilitation settings to assist patients in regaining their range of motion and muscular function.

Enhanced Performance: By using EMS in addition to their training schedules, athletes can increase muscle activation and improve their overall performance.

Muscular Recovery: By decreasing muscular discomfort and quickening the muscle’s elimination of metabolic waste products, EMS encourages a quicker recovery.


There have been several research studies on the effectiveness of EMS for muscle growth and recovery. While the results are mixed, there is some evidence to suggest that EMS can be an effective tool for enhancing muscle strength and size, especially when combined with traditional resistance training.EMS has been shown to increase muscle protein synthesis, a key factor in muscle growth. Some studies have also found that EMS can increase muscle strength and size in individuals with and without training experience. EMS has also been studied for its potential benefits in muscle recovery. Some studies have found that it can help to reduce muscle soreness and improve muscle function after exercise, while others have found no significant differences. More research is needed to determine the optimal use of EMS for muscle recovery.


EMS offers a quick and easy approach to improve performance, encourage healing, and strengthen muscles by utilising electrical impulses. If you’re curious about experiencing the benefits of EMS firsthand, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us today via WhatsApp or give us a call to learn more about how EMS can help you achieve your fitness goals. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, or recover from an injury, EMS training can offer a safe, effective, and time-efficient solution.