Best Pre-Workout Diet Tips To Boost Your EMS Performance

Nutrition Hacks: Pre Workout Diet Tips for Ideal EMS Performance

pre workout diet

Are you trying to reach a higher level of fitness and improve your EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) workouts?

Your pre-workout diet holds the key to achieving your full potential, regardless of your experience as an athlete or fitness enthusiast. We’ll go over crucial pre-workout nutrition that is especially suited for EMS performance.

Why is a pre-workout diet important?

Before diving into specific nutritional advice, it is important to understand the reasons behind the importance of a pre-workout diet, particularly in EMS training. Your muscles must have enough food and nutrients to function at their best after an EMS session since they are forced to work harder and more effectively.

1. Give Priority to Complex Carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates provide the body with glucose, which is useful for physical activity. There are two types: simple carbohydrates, which provide short-term energy, and complex carbohydrates which provide a slow release of energy.

Choose whole grains for your EMS session, such as quinoa, brown rice, and oats, which offer consistent energy levels. These carbohydrates help you stay energetic and avoid weariness, so you can get the most out of your exercise. These should be eaten approximately 2 hours before a client’s workout.

2. Proteins Need to Repair Muscle.

Protein is essential for muscle repair and recovery, making it a crucial component of your pre-workout diet for EMS. Your pre-workout meal or snack should contain lean protein sources like chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, or lentils. Foods high in protein are fish, lean beef, poultry, nuts, beans, lentils, eggs, and soy products. Meals rich in protein, such as between 20 and 30 grams, can help the body build muscle for activities such as resistance training. The effects of such a meal can last for several hours, preparing clients for their workout.

Consuming protein before exercise limits muscle breakdown and encourages muscular growth, which improves the efficiency of your EMS sessions.

3. Stay hydrated 

For EMS workouts, proper hydration is needed. Dehydration can reduce one’s ability to exercise and affect muscle function. 

A fluid loss of 1-2% of your body weight during exercise is associated with a decrease in performance and focus. Intense exercise, especially in hot environments, can cause you to lose a lot of water and electrolytes. 

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before working out, to make sure you’re well hydrated. 

4. Time is everything 

One to two hours before working out, try to eat a balanced meal that includes healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates. This time enables optimal nutritional absorption and digestion, keeping you alert and concentrated during your activity. 

 5. Improve with Foods That Energise.

To improve your stamina and mental focus, include foods that will provide you with energy before your workout. Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can be conveniently obtained from fresh fruits like bananas and berries, as well as nuts and seeds. These nutrient-dense foods support overall health and help sustain energy levels throughout your EMS workout.



Protein, carbs, and fats are examples of macronutrients found in food that are broken down and transformed into energy. 

A lot of athletes like to eat carbohydrates before working out, particularly those who exercise for extended periods or at high intensities. Studies indicate that consuming carbs before exercise generally improves performance, with greater pronounced benefits throughout prolonged periods spent exercising.


Before working out, having more amino acids in your body might positively affect your net muscle protein balance and help prevent muscle breakdown.

Eating a high-protein meal rich in important amino acids, such as branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), is a popular tactic to help prevent excessive muscle breakdown.


An essential component of muscular growth is protein. It is advised that those aiming to gain or preserve muscle mass consume protein daily. One way to satisfy your daily requirements for total protein is to eat protein before meals. Studies indicate that consuming protein either on its own or in conjunction with carbs before exercise might enhance muscle protein synthesis, strength, and overall body composition.

Increasing your EMS performance and reaching your fitness objectives are greatly influenced by the food you eat before working out. You can efficiently fuel your body with Kick it Body Fitness EMS workouts by placing a priority on inspiring foods, nutritious proteins, complex carbohydrates, hydration, and proper timing.

You can discover what works best for your particular needs and preferences by experimenting with different food combinations and paying attention to your body’s signals.